This course focuses
on provision of emergency medical care for patients who can't be immediately
transported to the next level of care for treatment. Regardless of the
environment (tactical/combat or civilian) at certain point we may not be able
to provide sufficient medical care by using standard procedures.
This course offers
gaining skills and knowledge about adequate and effective medical care of
severely wounded patient when evacuation is postponed.
This course is
suitable for people interested in tactical medicine and those working and
operating in the Third world countries, war zones and areas affected by natural
and man-made disasters. The minimal
requirement for attendance is NAEMT TCCC MP certification.
The course follows The Prolong Field Care Working group, CoTCCC (Committee on Tactical Combat Casualty Care), THOR ( Trauma
Hemostatis and Oxygenation research)
guidelines, and it's enhanced by real life experience
of our instructors, who had been providing emergency medical care during Mosul
offensive and other fearsome battles against ISIS.
The entire course takes
place in the territory of Republic of Iraq. The overall duration of the course is 168 hours.
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